What Does 2010 Hold for Trucking? - Truckinginfo.com
The trucking industry is one of the early indicators of where the economy is headed. As much as 6 months ahead of any upturn or downturn in our economy, trucking volumes are the best indicator of real direction. The interesting thing about this article is that it points out several key points in our recovery path.
1. Trucking executives are expecting freight volumes to increase in the next 7 to 12 months.
2. There has been an unprecendented loss of capacity in trucks, as many as 100,000 trucks are off the road, as transport companies have either closed or consolidated with surviving companies. This will have an impact on cost as demand increases for equipment.
3. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's revision of the "Hours of Service" rule will have an impact on capacity as well.
The good news is that indicators are expecting increases in goods being transported, the bad news is that it is likely to cost more.
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