Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Birthplace of Democracy... A Preview For the USA?

Will the civil unrest in Greece prove to be the future of America?  It seems that many of the signs are already appearing. Politicians walking out of their elected representative responsibilities to put off an unpopular but fiscally responsible vote in Wisconsin all the way to Washington's inability to reach a budget for 3 years.

Possibly what was intended as HELP has become HABIT and that becomes ENTITLEMENT.  Yes America needs CHANGE but the change we need is from the course of Social Destruction of our true Democracy.  Unfortunately the photo on the left is truly the view of many on the Left.  I hope not too many and not too late.  There are many that we meet that call for Social Justice, as do I.  It is unjust to expect the 1% or even the 5% of Americans to carry the weight of all Americans. I cannot find any part of our Constitution that calls for any such mandate, in fact the very idea of unreasonable taxation, along with religious freedom was the very catalist for the formation of our Declaration of Independance. 

Wake up America, CHANGE is good but it still must add up to fiscal solutions.

God Bless America!